Not much happens in this.
Just entered a new character. Do what you please with him.
Can't wait to see your description of him.
Wonder if Jime's just going to drain those guys or leave them alive...
Six hours, fourteen minutes, and twenty-six seconds until the first spark of daylight. Suri slouched in the passenger seat of old Jack and propped her vintage boots up on the dash board. Might as well get a moments sleep before she had to take over and fight off wolves and god only knows what else while Jime was dead to the world.
When Jime came rolling into her home over a year ago, she saw it as a golden opportunity. Not only did she want to try something new, experience the world (though tagging along with Jime was biting off a bit more than she wanted to chew), but she had a feeling that her aunt would need her sooner or later. Jime was growing tired and relentless lately. Whatever it was she was searching for must be one hell of an object. Or person.
Suri stole a glance at her aunt, who was still rocking out to old ass rock music on HER iPod that Jime paid for with HER money, before closing her eyes. Never for a single second did she believe she needed to protect her, even during her down time. You don't get to be a 900 plus old Vampire without learning more than a few tricks. As far as she knew, besides Sexy-Beast -- her nickname for the oldest lore creature ever-- Jime was one of the oldest and strongest. The others had died off over the centuries because of war, hunger, and insanity. And that right there was the problem.
"So I mastered a new spell," Suri spoke loud enough tp be heard over the music. That wasn't a surprise. Her natural gift in magic made it as easy for her to master spells as a Hellion to breath fire.
"It's not another nursery rhyme, is it?"
Was that a note of sarcasm she heard in Jime's voice? She sucked her teeth.
"Is it useful? You last spell was a joke. "
"My last spell got Jack to start. Depends on what you consider useful."
"Well the spell before that set my jacket on fire."
"I put it out."
"And that spell left me leaking waters for hours."
Suri opened her eyes and turned to her aunt.
"It's a truth spell. One designed specifically to interrogate those creatures of the lore who have a shield against certain magic."
Jime tapped her fingers to the beat of the song against the steering wheel. "They have a shield, so why would this work?"
Suri dropped her feet and sat up rod straight. "Are you doubting my skills?"
Jime smirked. "Not everything you come up with works the way it's suppose to. You create a spell designed to tell the truth and instead everything the creature says is a lie. Or better yet, you wipe their memory." When Suri sulked she laugh. "Oh come on baby niece, you know I'm right."
Natural talent her sobrina may possess, which made her one of the strongest witches in the lore, but young she was. She had yet to realize that the control she possessed now, while insanely good, wasn’t enough when it came to certain spells. She’d witness the damage poor control can have on witches and those they have casted the spell upon.
Instead of cursing or hitting Jime as she wanted to --she wasnt stupid. Niece she may be, but that only meant being drained of her life blood quick and painfully instead of slow and painfully -- she snatched her iPod off the dock, opened the car door, and chucked it out.
They rode silently for a few moments before Jime spoke. " You know that was yours right?"
The hiss the came from Suri was enough to make a vampire cry. Jime wiped fake tears from her eyes.
"I'm getting hungry," Jime said an hour later as she
pulled into the parking lot of a ranky-dank side road dinner called, "Mo's Big Meat."
"Now that sounds very appetizing," Suri said with a yawn. She blinked her eyes rapidly trying to dislodge the sleep. Her nap wasn't as long as she would have liked it, but it was enough to carry her through the next 24 hours. The neon glow clock on Jack's dashboard read 2:43AM. “Lets make this quick. You have less than four hours.”
Jime flicked her hair over his shoulder and adjusted her shades. Suri wasn’t sure why she ever wore shades. It’s not like she ever got to see the sun. All she did was waste money buying the designer glasses. “What’s the point of wearing those?” Suri said.
Jime titled her head and looked at Suri. “Bait.”
Suri raised a perfectly arched brow.
“We’re on a hunting trip, luv. Know what we’re hunting?”
That much was easy to figure out. “Him.”
Jime smiled. “Yep. Him. A big, strong, muscled bound, perfectly chiseled and arrogant man. Nothing attracts a man of his nature faster than a sexy woman in designer clothing, “she ran her hands over her womanly curves, “driving a classic car. It’s the perfect combination of everything a man wants. Nothing a man can resist.” To prove her point, she flickered her eyes over to one of the cars parked in the lot.
Without being obvious, Suri followed her gaze and caught sight of two buff, bulky, motor-head-dip-shits, who had exited Big Meat when they pulled up. The men were staring over a them, desire sparkling deep in their eyes. A look Suri had witness more times than she wanted over the last year. And like every other -motor-head-dip-shit, these two had the look that told her someone would be hurt tonight. And it wouldn’t be her or Jime. “Don’t catch rabies.” Closing her car door, Suri walked into Mo’s Big Meat. Right into Toren, the dragon warlord. "Fuck!"
Monday, March 14, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Sunset Coven 2
Suri: OMG! here it is, I just wrote this, it just came out, man I missed that feeling, XD XD.
Uhm...a question... the word "covern", is that a surname? because I can't find it anywhere, and I'm not sure if you meant to write coven or cover, although I like "coven", a lot.
“You’re in surprisingly good shape dear niece of mine, not even a hint of a pant running to the car” Jime said while performing her signature move of putting on her Chanel sunshades with a flourish while doing something else, in this case, effortlessly driving Jack.
Suri rolled her eyes in what everyone but herself would describe as the quintessential adolescent sneer “Unlike some people, I don’t need to constantly brag about what I can or can’t do.”
A few seconds was all it took for Suri to ask what Jime knew she wanted to ask.
“So… Really? The wolves? You think they’re onto us?”
“I’m afraid so, one can’t really run around smelling so sweetly as we do, and not leave a trail for them to sniff.”
“But I loofah-ed and everything back at the last hotel, I don’t smell.”
“Sometimes I’m surprised that I keep forgetting you’re my dear baby-niece, so young and innocent and cute and naïve and cute and trusting and-
“Cut it out”
“-and cranky.”
“It’s all your fault anyway.”
Jime did not want to go that conversational path, yet again, so she promptly turned on the music she surreptitiously downloaded using Suri’s iphone that she hooked up to the car, magic wireless at its best.
Iggy Pop’s Power and Freedom came on loud and clear.
“What the hell is that?” Suri’s Death-Glare jumped between Jime and her own iphone.
“I’m trying to have my Supernatural moment here, if you don’t mind, we’re on the road, in a kick-ass black car, and I want to hear me so good old Rock and Roll.”
“Why is it coming from my iphone then? I only have K-pop in it at the moment!”
“You should know better by now not to leave your gadgets where I can get to them.”
“You used my money again! I can’t believe you! Why? God, why?” The last question muffled as Suri stuffed her hands on her face in defeat.
“Don’t worry so much, baby” Jime patted Suri’s head “I’ll pay you back, you know that, I just gotta get some money on my hands first, besides, it’s for your own musical education that I did it.”
“That lame-ass excuse of not understanding the concept of virtual money and credit cards is getting as old as you are.”
Jime hissed, but the fangs didn’t come out, which made her anger look only partially frightening. “That’s low, baby-niece”.
“I’ll stop calling you old when you stop calling me a baby.” She inhaled deeply “And another thing, this is what you call running under the radar? With the music so loud I can’t even hear myself?”
“You know what they say: if it’s too loud, you’re too old.”
“You’re fixated on age, it’s not good for your mental health, I really worry about you Tia.”
Jime shooshed her down with her hand and as they continue to ride down the road in companionable Rock and Roll silence and they began to think about how they got there in the first place.
Suri couldn’t point down a specific moment to blame for her current situation. She had just graduated from Witch Uni, with honors, and her natural magic level had gotten her to the Point Of Immortality way sooner than the average witch, which was awesome for her, but everyone else was worried, from her family to her professors, they all thought she was too young to handle the magic, the responsibility, the power. She had become almost offended that they all thought so little of her self-control, since she had excelled at it since she was little, she had every reason to be proud of her skill at the Craft and of never crossing that line that divided good magic from bad magic.
Actually, she was tired of it. Of always acting the good student, the good daughter, of never committing a mistake. It was HARD WORK, and she never got the congratulations, the good job people normally got, a pat on her back, a little hug, that much sought-after I’m proud of you; no, she couldn’t believe she had actually spoiled everyone into expecting her always to be perfect… that, ironically, had been her biggest mistake.
So when her favorite aunt had come barrelling in one night, inviting her to have some fun on a girl’s night out she’d accepted immediately. And then the series of events that came at them tumbled down a spiral of bad luck (Jime says, more like bad judgement, Suri thought) that had them running away from angry wolves, Jack Jammer-of-the-Sinn-Jammers’ black list, and something she just knew Jime was hiding from her that she vowed she’ll find out even if she had to carve it out of her aunt, as scary as vampires could be, by tonight.
Jime on the other hand was just happy to be out in the world, enjoying life. After 900 years one got dangerously close to extreme boredom, and when one as old and powerful as she was became bored… let’s just say it was not good for anybody. She’d seen first hand the demented megalomania, obsessions, and every other bag of nasty-crazy that would overcome the others who were like her, and she was sure it was all rooted in boredom. They just didn’t know what to do with themselves. Thank God she had kept her ties with humankind and always found people she loved just like she once had her human family, all dead now but in her memory. They kept her grounded, her eyes open. Her dear sobrina Suri was one of those beloved people, and somehow she had gotten the notion that Suri was wanting something to change in her life, whatever it was, and maybe she’d be able to find it going along with Jime for a while. She sure was sorry to put Suri in danger though. It hadn’t been her intention, but as things tend to go down with what Jime was after, it was inevitable. But Suri was tough and capable, she could handle it.
Jime needed to find him, and fast.
Him, he who is a mystery, the one with no name, the oldest supernatural being in existence, all she knew was that he was rumored to be a werewolf, and a hot one at that (all the ladies she’d asked raved about his talents in the sack), she couldn’t wait to test- hey, don’t get sidetracked, your motives for seeking him out are legit! Dammit!
Jime needed to know how to bypass her biggest problem, walking in the sunshine. After what seemed an eternity she was getting obsessed.
She wanted to see the sun again.
Uhm...a question... the word "covern", is that a surname? because I can't find it anywhere, and I'm not sure if you meant to write coven or cover, although I like "coven", a lot.
“You’re in surprisingly good shape dear niece of mine, not even a hint of a pant running to the car” Jime said while performing her signature move of putting on her Chanel sunshades with a flourish while doing something else, in this case, effortlessly driving Jack.
Suri rolled her eyes in what everyone but herself would describe as the quintessential adolescent sneer “Unlike some people, I don’t need to constantly brag about what I can or can’t do.”
A few seconds was all it took for Suri to ask what Jime knew she wanted to ask.
“So… Really? The wolves? You think they’re onto us?”
“I’m afraid so, one can’t really run around smelling so sweetly as we do, and not leave a trail for them to sniff.”
“But I loofah-ed and everything back at the last hotel, I don’t smell.”
“Sometimes I’m surprised that I keep forgetting you’re my dear baby-niece, so young and innocent and cute and naïve and cute and trusting and-
“Cut it out”
“-and cranky.”
“It’s all your fault anyway.”
Jime did not want to go that conversational path, yet again, so she promptly turned on the music she surreptitiously downloaded using Suri’s iphone that she hooked up to the car, magic wireless at its best.
Iggy Pop’s Power and Freedom came on loud and clear.
“What the hell is that?” Suri’s Death-Glare jumped between Jime and her own iphone.
“I’m trying to have my Supernatural moment here, if you don’t mind, we’re on the road, in a kick-ass black car, and I want to hear me so good old Rock and Roll.”
“Why is it coming from my iphone then? I only have K-pop in it at the moment!”
“You should know better by now not to leave your gadgets where I can get to them.”
“You used my money again! I can’t believe you! Why? God, why?” The last question muffled as Suri stuffed her hands on her face in defeat.
“Don’t worry so much, baby” Jime patted Suri’s head “I’ll pay you back, you know that, I just gotta get some money on my hands first, besides, it’s for your own musical education that I did it.”
“That lame-ass excuse of not understanding the concept of virtual money and credit cards is getting as old as you are.”
Jime hissed, but the fangs didn’t come out, which made her anger look only partially frightening. “That’s low, baby-niece”.
“I’ll stop calling you old when you stop calling me a baby.” She inhaled deeply “And another thing, this is what you call running under the radar? With the music so loud I can’t even hear myself?”
“You know what they say: if it’s too loud, you’re too old.”
“You’re fixated on age, it’s not good for your mental health, I really worry about you Tia.”
Jime shooshed her down with her hand and as they continue to ride down the road in companionable Rock and Roll silence and they began to think about how they got there in the first place.
Suri couldn’t point down a specific moment to blame for her current situation. She had just graduated from Witch Uni, with honors, and her natural magic level had gotten her to the Point Of Immortality way sooner than the average witch, which was awesome for her, but everyone else was worried, from her family to her professors, they all thought she was too young to handle the magic, the responsibility, the power. She had become almost offended that they all thought so little of her self-control, since she had excelled at it since she was little, she had every reason to be proud of her skill at the Craft and of never crossing that line that divided good magic from bad magic.
Actually, she was tired of it. Of always acting the good student, the good daughter, of never committing a mistake. It was HARD WORK, and she never got the congratulations, the good job people normally got, a pat on her back, a little hug, that much sought-after I’m proud of you; no, she couldn’t believe she had actually spoiled everyone into expecting her always to be perfect… that, ironically, had been her biggest mistake.
So when her favorite aunt had come barrelling in one night, inviting her to have some fun on a girl’s night out she’d accepted immediately. And then the series of events that came at them tumbled down a spiral of bad luck (Jime says, more like bad judgement, Suri thought) that had them running away from angry wolves, Jack Jammer-of-the-Sinn-Jammers’ black list, and something she just knew Jime was hiding from her that she vowed she’ll find out even if she had to carve it out of her aunt, as scary as vampires could be, by tonight.
Jime on the other hand was just happy to be out in the world, enjoying life. After 900 years one got dangerously close to extreme boredom, and when one as old and powerful as she was became bored… let’s just say it was not good for anybody. She’d seen first hand the demented megalomania, obsessions, and every other bag of nasty-crazy that would overcome the others who were like her, and she was sure it was all rooted in boredom. They just didn’t know what to do with themselves. Thank God she had kept her ties with humankind and always found people she loved just like she once had her human family, all dead now but in her memory. They kept her grounded, her eyes open. Her dear sobrina Suri was one of those beloved people, and somehow she had gotten the notion that Suri was wanting something to change in her life, whatever it was, and maybe she’d be able to find it going along with Jime for a while. She sure was sorry to put Suri in danger though. It hadn’t been her intention, but as things tend to go down with what Jime was after, it was inevitable. But Suri was tough and capable, she could handle it.
Jime needed to find him, and fast.
Him, he who is a mystery, the one with no name, the oldest supernatural being in existence, all she knew was that he was rumored to be a werewolf, and a hot one at that (all the ladies she’d asked raved about his talents in the sack), she couldn’t wait to test- hey, don’t get sidetracked, your motives for seeking him out are legit! Dammit!
Jime needed to know how to bypass her biggest problem, walking in the sunshine. After what seemed an eternity she was getting obsessed.
She wanted to see the sun again.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Sunset Coven 1

The “Mother Road.” “Main street of America.” Or better yet, Route 66 was the most famous name for the 2448 mile stretch of road that crossed eight state borders. But to Jime, it was mostly “that shit piece of dirt that’s too fucking,” or “Jack Killer,” that she always managed to get stranded on whenever she rode down it.
She kicked the dust covered black with silver racing stripes 1987 Ford Mustang GT that decided it once again no longer wanted to work and puttered to a stop fifty miles from the nearest gas station. Though the black leather pointy-toed Christian Louboutin knee boots were strong, and they had better be with the money she shelled out for the custom fit slut-em-up boots, the rim of old Jack was stronger and she jammed her toe. She hissed, fangs out, and dropped a plethora of curse words she gathered over her 900 year old immortal life.
“Damn it Jack, if you don’t start up right now I’m going to gut you, slash your tires, load your tank with sugar, rip out your engine and eat it for breakfast.”
“Now that just won’t do,” Suri, Jime’s 24 year old baby witch niece, said dully from her position perched on the back of Jack, one cowboy boot clad foot swinging away. Suri watched Jime continue her physical and verbal assault on the car. Tendrils of fire engine red hair that took on the color of blood under the moonlight spilled from the neat high top ponytail as she slapped and kicked. “Try biting it, It’s about the only thing you haven’t done to poor old Jack yet,” she jeered. “That and shooti--” Before she managed to finished her sentence, Jime’s trusty 9mm pistol, that Suri had just to figure out how she managed to hide in those skin tight clothings, was out. She fired a round at the hood of the car.
The bullets bounced away leaving Jack unscratched thanks to the protective charm Suri managed to put it on after one of her aunts earlier fits of explosion. Suri shook her head and looked at the dessert mountain range in the distance.
“Why don’t you wave your little magic wand and do something,” Jime said with a sigh of resignation. She strolled around to the back of the car and leaned against Jack.
Suri snorted. “I don’t know the first thing about fixing cars. Magic or no magic.”
“Try something.” Jime pulled the ponytail holder out and shook her wild mane.
“Why? So I can break it and have Jack -the real Jack- coming after me for breaking his car? Isn’t it enough that you already stole it.”
Jime glanced at her niece and rolled her eyes. Still wet behind the ears, Suri didn’t know how to toss caution into the wind. But it was understandable, seeing as how she had just reached her immortality a few weeks ago. And Jime wasted no time trying to break her static-conservative niece. “Oh quit crying. Jack -the real Jack- doesn’t even know it was us who stole it.”
“You who stole it,” Suri corrected. “And sorry Jimez, but according to my crystal ball, Jack Jammers of the Sinn Jammers knows exactly who stole his baby.”
“You don’t have a crystal ball.”
“And you can’t walk daylight.”
Jime latched onto Suri’s arm and yanked her off the trunk of the mustang. “Fix it.”
Suri sighed and walked around to the front of the car. “I really don’t know how. No ones taught me car fixing spells.”
Jime went to stand next to Suri, both looking down at the hood of the car. “Well make something up.”
“Like what?”
“I don’t know, but make it quick. I’m starting to smell wolf.”
Suri inhaled deeply, but there was no point. She was a witch, and witches didn’t have a keen scene of smell.
“Help me,” Suri said, growing slightly agitated. She didn’t like wolves. The way those little beady eyes would stare --she couldn’t help but curse them. Which was how they ended up in that barroom ball down in Louisiana a year ago with the local pack.
Jime placed a finger to her chin and pondered. “How about, ‘Jack start your engine, lets hit the rode and smash some...pidgins.”
Suri’s head rolled slowly to Jime. Her eye twitched. “That’ll be as effected as me saying, “Jack be mimble, Jack be fast, start your engine and punch the gas.”
The mustang roared to life, it’s lights flashing on, tail pipe puffing smoke, and shot backwars down the road at break neck speed.
“Way to go, Suri. I knew you had it in you. Next time, tell it to go the right direction.” Jime ran after the car, moving faster than she should have been able to in those heels. Oh the wonderful gifts that blessed the cursed Vampires, Suri thought. Now there’s an oxymoron for you.
“Next time don’t leave it in reverse. Wrong direction” Suri yelled, running after Jack and Jime. She ran for a good mile and a half before she caught up with Jime who had caught up to Jack and was waiting inside behind the drivers seat.
“Wolves coming from that direction. “Jime pointed in the direction they were suppose to be driving. “Poor Jack doesn’t like the funky, flea-bags, do you Jackie?” she cooed, rubbing the steering wheel. Jime whipped the car into the other direction and sped off down the Mother Road.
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