Sunday, June 3, 2012

Omake, Part 8

“Oh yeah! Woo hoo. Check in your mirror all you like. That boy belongs to her. ‘Bout time you see it because your days are numbered. 1.2.3—“
“Suri, what the hell are you talking about?” Jime looked away from the TV True Blood was on marathon in preparation for the upcoming season. But her niece didn’t respond. Instead she cheered…
“Mako. Korra. Avatar. Ha ha ha ha haha.” Then she sobered. “Huh. I bet she’s going to turn into a spiteful bitch, if not permanently, but for a moment. But try all you want Ms. Rich-Girl. The creators know that if they fail to give us fans the fire-water pairing we’ve been craving since The Last Airbender, when they ooooooohhh, so totally fucked us in the ass by NOT pairing Katara with Prince Zuko…I mean, what the hell People? They were so right for each other. But no, you—“
Jime cocked a brow and scratched the side of her face, her concern about Suri’s mental health escalating. 
“—You biznitches went with the cliche. The girl with the Avatar. They didn’t match at all. She treated that boy like a kid, a little brother, a son. Katara treated Zuko like a man. All heat and anger and passion. They would have had wild cartoon monkey sex and took the world by storm.”
“And here I thought I was the insane one. Girl, you are on something. And I'm not sure if I should give you the drugs are bad speech or the sharing is caring one.”
Suri finally turned to her aunt. She gestured towards the screen. “You don’t understand. That’s like if at the end of it all, Sookeh endz wif Beehl. But AirRick iz much much moor hot-er and beter four Sookeh. Especially long hair Eric…” she sigh.
Jime sighed with her. “I’d love to run my hands through his air.”
“You have. His name is Ja—“
Fangs out. Eyes a glow. “Don’t you dare finish that sentence.”
“Or with Sam. WTF. Who wants to end up with Sam? That mutt. He should have been killed. Alcide should have killed him at first sniff…Alcide. He’s in a stripper movie with Channing Tatum…” 
Jime ran her tongue over her fangs. “I’d love to watch Joe stripped.”
“I have. His name is Ri—“
“You STILL haven’t told me about that.”
A sultry smile crossed Suri’s face. “Next time we go to P and S, remind me to get some stuff for memory retrieval. I’ll show you instead. Words will do no justice.”  
“Kay. Cool. In the mean time...” Jime flashed. 
Suri stared at the blank spot, allowing her magic to sample Jime’s spiritual residue in order to follow, but Jime flashed back with a very bewildered Joe Manganiello and Channing Tatum. 
“In the mean time, I want to see that movie. Live.” She hit the ipod dock to start the music.