Jime pushed between Jack and Toren. Leaning over the bar, she snagged S.B by the waist of his pants. “Hey. Two whiskey sours for me and the niece.”
Suri threw her hand into the air. “I want Sex on the Bar.” She winked at S.B. “You want it to?”
“The hell he does!” Toren snapped.
“Oooo!” Jime cooed.
Suri giggled. She tossed her head over in the corner where the Dragon’s sat. She rolled her eyes at River. “Look at him, all stiff and bored looking.” A wicked grin. She turned to Jime who wore the same evilly amused expression.
“Why do I get the feeling that we’re not going to like whatever’s about to happen?” Toren said to Jack.
“Why do I get the feeling that I will,” S.B said. He sat two rum and coke’s in front of the guys. “Here. It’s on the house.”
Toren slide the cup away without drinking it. “Suri, what are you going to do?”
Ignoring him, she reached for the bowl of peanuts on the bar. Dumping them onto the counter, she moved them this way and that, creating a symbol of transportation. With that done, she rubbed her hands together in preparation and glee. Placing her hands on either side of the transportation circle, she muttered a few words and let the magic work.
“—And then I saw these gorgeous shoes that I just die if I didn’t ge…”Jamie broke off mid setences and looked around. Her brother was no longer beside her. Panicked, she turned her head all around trying desperately to figure out how she went from James room to…this. Where ever it was.
“Ja~~mie!” Suri sang her name.
“Suri? Suri! SURI!” Jamie threw herself at her. “Where have you been?Why haven’t you come to my house anymore.Are you not James’s girlfriend anymore?Is it because of me?Did I do something wrong?Where am I?How did I get here?” she blurted all her questions out in one breath.
Suri dislodged the hyperactive teen off her. “Nooo. This is home of the sexiest man alive.” Suri turned to Jamie to face S.B. “Welcome to La Casa Sexy Bartender.” She chuckled. “And the lady staring at you like you’re dinner is my aunt. She’s the one who knows your brother. Ask her about that time I caught her about to bite his neck.”
Jime wiggled her fingers beneath her chin like a Little Rascal. “Hello Little Human. You’ve gotten much bigger from when I last saw you ten years ago. Oh. It feels like yesterday.” Jime guestured to an empty bar stool. “Come little mortal. Join us. Let me introduce you to sex personified.”
“Not you Jammers,” Suri said when Jack puffed his chest out.
Jime looked at S.B. “How bout a long island ice tea for her little friend.”
“She’s mortal.”
The Vampire and Witch nodded.
“Why is there a mortal in my bar?”
“Are you a racist?” Suri asked.
“There is no such thing among our kind,” he replied.
“A species-ist? Don’t worry. She won’t remember any of this tomorrow.”
“Are you old enough to drink?” Jime asked Jamie.
“I’m only-“Jamie started to reply.
“See,” Jime cut her off. “She’s old enough.”
What they did was their own business. As long as the mortal didn’t die in his bar, S.B didn’t care. So the vampire and her witch niece proceeded to interact with Jamie, who seemed a bit perplexed but nonetheless just as energetic and engaged in the conversation as the rest. Suri leaned over the bar and motioned for S.B to come here. When he did, she fisted his shirt and pulled him down to her level bringing their faces within an inch apart. When a jet of fire streamed their way, she threw up her hand and deflected it.
“WHAT THE WHAT?” Jamie exclaimed beside her. Jime began to explain what just happened.
“How’s the lackey?” Suri whispered in a voice on S.B could hear.
He never shifted his eyes from hers but replied. “Glowing.”
She fell back on her stool laughing. She and Jime highfive.
“I love it. Just look at them,” Jime pointed to Toren and Jack. “With their tails tucked.”
“Just sit down and be quiet,” Jack said annoyingly.
With a frown, Jime sucked her teeth. “I don’t have to. It’s Ladies Night at Et Tu Brute Bar and Karaoke Grill. Not, Silly Men Come Whine Like Little Bitches Night.”
Suri clapped her hands. “Oh, they certainly know how to do that.”
The bar door flew open with a bang! “It’s me, bitches!!!” Joslyn slide into Et Tu Brute and threw her arms wide open. “Karaoke tyme! Where’s all mah soul sistas? Lemme hear yall flow sistas!”
Jime squealed and joined in.
Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, flow sista
Hey sista, go sista, soul sista, go sista
Suri snapped her fingers and the music kicked in, cutting whoever it was on stage sining off. They didn't sound good anyway. Jime’s garmets switched from her stereotypical black leather to a silk ivory with black lace edge camidoll bustier and matching panties. Hair wild and down like she just got out of bed and make-up overly exaggerated in a slutty way, ivory pearls dangled from her ears, a pearl choker around her neck, five inch black satin knee boots completed the outfit. With a twist too seductive, she spun up onto the bar where she trapped S.B between her legs.
He met Marmalade down In old Moulin Rouge
Struttin’ her stuff on the street
She said, "Hello, Sexy B, you wanna give it a go?" Oh! uh huh
Pushing him away after damn near sexing him, she stood up on the bar and danced as she sang.
Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya dada (Hey hey hey)
Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya here (here)
Mocha Chocalata ya ya (oh yea)
Creole lady Marmalade
Suri snapped again.
Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir
Voulez vous couchez avec moi
Now donning a fire engine red mesh underwire chemise with sexy boy shorts and five inch black pumps. Suri pulled the ponytail from her hair and magicked a feathered masquerade mask and necklace. She walked around the bar to S.B and stopped in front of him where she proceeded to do moves that questioned where she’d been to learn them.
He sat in her boudoir while she freshened up
Boy drank all that Magnolia wine
On her black satin sheets is where he started to freak yeah
She pushed away from him. With a snap, she poofed over to join Jime on the bar.
Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir (ce soir, what what what)
Voulez vous couchez avec moi
In a midnight black underwire back out garter slip with garter belt straps, matching g-string, crystal peep toe heels and jewels hanging from her ears and neck, Joslyn moved through the crowd rubbing up on all the men who drooled and leered, twirling with the females who started to dance along in the crowd that formed around the bar as she made her way over to the bar.
Yea yea uh
He come through with the money and the garter belts
I let him know we bout that cake straight up the gate uh
We independent women, some mistake us for whores
I'm sayin‘, why spend mine when I can spend yours
At the bar, she wrapped one arm around S.B’s neck and pressed up again him.
If you wanna Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya
Mocha Chocalate-a what?
Creole Lady Marmalade
She kissed his neck before joining Jime and Suri dancing on the on the bar. Suri snapped a final time.
Jamie looked down at herself, eyes widen at the sexy little bride white silk and mesh corset with matching ruffle skirt, garter and veil, and diamond studded wedding shoes. She looked every bit a virgin sacrifice. And she couldn’t have felt more liberated in her life.
Jime and Suri reached down, each taking one of her hands and pulling her up onto the bar to dance with the rest of them.
Hey Hey Hey!
Touch of her skin feeling silky smooth
Color of cafe au lait alright
Made the savage beast inside roar until he cried,
The four ladies moved in unison, pointing and singing to S.B who stood below with a wide shit eating smile on his face.
Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya dada (da daeaea yea)
Giuchie, Giuchie, ya ya here (ooh)
Mocha Choca lata ya ya (yea)
Creole lady Marmalade
Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez vous couchez avec moi (all my sistas yea)
Voulez vous couchez avec moi ce soir (ce soir)
Voulez vous couchez avec moi (C‘Mon! uh)
Creole Lady Marmalade Yes-ah...
The crowd exploded in applause. S.B shook his head and clapped at the ladies. On the other hand, Jack turned to Toren and River, who saddled over to them sometime during the performance, both blowing smoking from their noses, and said, “when the hell did they have time to coordinate that shit?”
Saturday, April 7, 2012
Omake, Part 7
Wednesday, April 4, 2012
Sunset Coven 21
Toren reached for his battle armor. It had been a long time since he last wore his suit. Being honest, he wished for opportunities to wear it once more. The contracts the fractions in the lore created to keep the number of dead from rising was a real buzz kill. Current situation with his people aside, he was a Warlord for a reason. But, with the dragon race declining, less hatchlings birthed each year, war could wait. Toren didn’t consider killing a few humans as war. That was just a midnight snack. Thinking of snacks, he could use a little nourishment to recover from his slow healing wounds. He left the armor in its place.
“I’m going to shift,” he said to River.
River looked at him and nodded. “I was about to suggest that.”
“When we come back, remind me to show you what happens to snitches.” With that, he thought the words used to initiate the shift from human to dragon. Short and painless, the shift ended as quickly as it began. Tall and solid as a human from centuries of fighting but not overly big and bulky, someone unfamiliar with the change would be awestruck and wonder how such a man could turn into something so extreme, so outrageously huge, so stunning and beautiful with its scales as dark as tar with a jade and golden glint, and even more, how such a charming man can look like things death and destruction were made of.
The few mortals who witnessed him al-natural usually dropped jaw at the sight and gasped. That was it before the dragon fried them and they took a oneway trip down his throat. And if feeling really wild and dangerous, he wouldn’t even fry them first.
Being a dragon didn’t make his human self less. If you asked him, he was both. He was human. He was dragon. Both had their perks. Humans had thumbs and Toren learned that there were many things you could do with thumbs, many places he could stick them, and with a simple wiggle shattered another to the core. He loved his thumbs. He had plans for those thumbs. Aside from those dark and sinister plans, he used his thumbs to wrestle the hatchling who dared to test their might against his. It was cute actually. Those hatchlings.
But his human self had nothing on the sheer power and magic of the dragon. The rush and thrill flying too high into the sky, wind and water rippling across his scales as he dove through clouds. Toren sighed. It was like being a kid in an amusement park. It was like being anyone who liked amusement parks in an amusement park. The freedom was incapable. With that thought done, he looked at his right hand man who also shifted into the dragon. A mirage of blue, purple, orange and red colors with a long feathered serpent body, and wings that spanned longer than a New York City block, River was a dragon other dragon’s feared. Different from his own Oriental winged dragon form, the Quetzalcolt’s were not a populace bunch, being direct descendants of the Aztec god. Even the elders were weary of the Quetzalcolt.
Another dragon perk. As a dragon his wounds would heal faster. The big balding patch Suri took out of his back did nothing for his appeal. In fact, looking at the raw flesh that once held thousands of scales made him see red. He wanted blood, but he was fair enough to know that he could not seek revenge for something he deserved. That didn’t mean those pathetic humans who dared to attack his kin were safe. Oh no. In fact, he planned to repaint the cavern walls red tonight.
“Go,” Jos’s voice filtered through the intercom.
Toren shot towards the ceiling of the underground cave they called home, twenty other dragons following behind him with Rider’s on their back. River and a few others traced directly to one location while Toren lead the warriors unable to trace or shift to battle at the third nest. Their most vulnerable were there. Joslyn would coordinate the attack at the second nest. He wanted to exterminate the Templar tonight. It was way pass time they remembered what happened to the original members during the Crusading days.
Moving at a speed military fighter jets only wished they could ever do, the dragon’s flew high enough out of human sight to look like a pack of birds from the ground. Really big birds. They covered the ground to the Mongolia nest in record time. Breaking off into rank the flew lower. The human fighters dropped off their riders like sky divers. Toren arrowed his body directly to the ground. He tucked his wings tightly to his body and spiral plunged into the earth, his body drilling a large hole down, deep down, until he broke through the ceiling of the Mongolian nest. The ceiling cracked and crumbled to the floor below as dragon after dragon burst holes in the ceiling. Ren, one of his generals would keep a small team outside the nest to kill the enemy outside.
“FIRE!” Toren heard a human yell from down the tunnel. With a deep breath, he filled the tunnel with fire. Whatever it was that was fired, whoever yelled it and did the firing met a fiery end of their own. At his heals, his warriors tore down the tunnels towards their enemies. He brought up the rear entering a field of white suits with red crosses engaged in battle with the human dragons. They shot at the ones in dragon form, shooting guns specially designed for his kind if the damage some of the Mongolian members had meant anything. Whoever it was that betrayed a faction of the lore to humors would die a slow torturous death.
A pinch to his side, like being stung repetitively by bees. Toren was hit by whatever they were shooting. The shots burned but even in his weakened state, he was far too big and strong to damage so easily. Turning to his attackers, he raised one front leg and smashed two Templars under his foot. Raising the other leg, he swiped his claws through three humans, turning their bodies into a pile of limp spaghetti. Around him, dragons were doing the same thing Stomp.Smash Bones turned to powder under his their. The Templar cried 'retreat," but there would be no life spared for them. Chasing after his scrambling enemy, Toren sank his massive fangs into the Knight who dared a sneak attack on of his soldiers. Razor sharp, he tore threw the guys armor and flesh, splitting the body at the waist. Blood pools from his mouth, dripping off his scales. He threw his head back tossing the body into his mouth. He swallowed him whole.
From the corner of his eye Toren caught a glimmer of light reflected off a blade. He looked just in time to see a Knight raise a sword high over a dragon child’s head ready to sever it. His tail whipped the knight away from the child into the wall. With his tail, he wrapped it around the fallen knights ankle and raised him high into the air, eye level. Trying to fight his hold, despite handing upside down, the knight banged his fist against the hard scales of the tail.
“I’ll kill you. You’re an abomination to God.” Bang. “He said to kill you and we will kill you all.”
Yeah! Well, Toren’s gods had said something to him to. Medium rare tasted best. Fire curled from his nose at the man whose screamed of agony were cut short when Toren tossed him up in the air, opened his mouth, and swallowed him whole.
They also said not to play with his food. It caused indigestion. And Toren wasn’t the type to defy the dragon gods. So he turned his attention to the battle behind him. With a roar that rattled the entire nest, he spat fire in every direction. The dragon formed warriors joined him. Those in human form assisted the fallen Mongolian members lifting and carrying the more injured ones out of the battle zone. He wasn’t sure how much time passed as fire engulf the cave, the tunnels, and spread throughout the entire nest decimating what was once home to some before the fire’s started to die. At least the Templar’s inside the cave seized to exist. He’d meet Ren to see what his team had found outside. He flew down the tunnel towards the holes in the ceiling.
A scream sounded followed by roar after roar. A cry that spoke of a dragon death. When he and the follow dragoned warriors cleared the tunnels to an undamaged area of the nest, one of the Mongolian members met him. He bowed before spilling the painful news. Horrible news. “The-they got one of our hatchling.”
Hands planted on her narrow waist, Angelica paced the length of the bedroom and back. She was seconds away from throwing a teenage tantrum and to hell with the world if it found her behavior immature. The entire world could fuck off and die as long as she got her daughter. Like usual, Angelica unleashed all her pain and frustration in her favorite way and most available source. “Some great mage you are. Can’t even track your own daughter whose no where near as powerful.” She snorted.
Sage tossed a look over his shoulder at his wife. “You want to try?” he deadpanned.
“Are you sassing me?” Angelica stopped her pacing and raised a brow at her husband of two hundred years.
Sage loved his wife. Hecate knew he did. But she was driving nails into his skull with her constant pressure to find Suri. Her disappointment in his every move reminded him why he first went dark. But it was her worry of his darkness, her desire for him to let it all go was what made him stop some of the dark and deadly activities he used to perform. His devotion to Hecate wasn’t nearly as frequent has it was during his roaming days over east, when he nearly destroyed the entire European continent and relished in the moment.
“If you don’t be quiet Love for just a moment,” he said.
“Find my daughter and I’ll give you all the quiet you want.”
“If you were now then maybe I could have enough silence to think for a second.”
“Yeah,” she laughed bitterly. “Because thinking is your strong part.”
He gestured to the mirror. “You could always do it.” And she could. But she wouldn’t. They both knew the consequences for her performing such task.
“Don’t think I haven’t thought about it. I’m this close,” she held her index finger and thumb less than an inch apart, “from doing it.”
That was news to him. Very bad news. He wasn’t sure when he moved, but he stood before Angelica, his hands locked on her arms. “Nothing is worth you trying that again,” he snapped. “I’d feed my soul, shit, I’d feed Suri’s soul to to Hecate before I sit here and watch you do that again. Got it!”
“What difference does it make? Suri’s being consumed by the same darkness that’s around you. She’ll be surrounded by fire, and that’s not even the worst of it.”
The true and very real fear in Angelica’s eye was all he needed to see to know what really worried his Love. Something she should have told him the very second she learned such a thing. Something he’d have to turn to his sister to mediate. That was a bitter pill to swallow. “Are you sure? Maybe it’s something else. Anything else. The four horsemen must be riding or something. They’re hell but fun.”
“I wish but it’s-“
“Siti,” Angelica spoke the name anyway. And she knew that just that tonight, Sage would tribute Hecate with some poor persons soul. His rage was shared. The last time Siti was around she took something from them they could never replace. Everyday Angelica missed her son. Everyday she fear Suri would meet the same fate as the brother she never knew about. Angelica didn’t think she could suffer that lost again. She knew Sage would rain destruction if it happened twice.
‘Cute guy smiles at you and your blush like a school age girl. Nice going Suri,’ she berate herself. First Toren now this dude. And just thinking of Toren wiped the blush away from here face. That and the smell of smoke that hung in the air from the three seconds Jime was unprotected from the rays of the sun. Luckily Mustang Jack’s reaction time was much faster than hers and didn’t crack under pressure the way she had.
Outside her window Host Boy motioned for her to roll down the window. She cracked it.
“And you are?” she asked both curious and working a spell in her head if the need for instant attack is necessary.
“Rai. Sakura’s son. You can call me Oh Great One. Or master.”
Ignoring him, she rolled her eyes. “Amazing how fast she was able to have someone arrive exactly where I would show up six minutes after I leave her shop.”
“I know right,” he smiled. “Amazing things telephones are.” He wagged his cellphone.
Rolling the window down completely, Suri propped her arm up. “So the ghost let her make the call.”
“Actually, the ghost is the call.”
When she raised a questioning brow he laughed and said, “remind me to explain that story later.”
“Even better. You can explain now how, already stating that she called, you managed to arrive where I would show up before I did.”
“Amazing thing I am,” he said.
“Okay,” Suri rolled her eyes. “No need to figure out what you are any longer.” Suri rolled Jack’s window up, popped the keys from the ignition and stepped out the car. Jack locked himself once the door was shut. She tucked her hands into her back pocket and rocked on the balls of her heals. “Nice meeting you Vainglory, but I’m kind of on a mission-quest-thing with no time to spare for your unjust boasting,” she said to the minor deadly sin.
Usually written off a just pride, people often overlooked Vainglory. Not sure how. Suri’s spent 30 whole seconds in his company and already she could tell that he wasn’t prideful but more like narcissistic. Unfortunately, Sakura sent him. More like sent her to him. Not easily dismissed, Rai just kept the grin on his face. “No worries. There’s plenty of time to find the those hentai dogs and still tell you how amazing I am. Of course you’ll figure it all out on your own, but never hurts to help you out.”
She expelled a breath. If there was one thing he’d help her discover it was that she no longer found him hot. Physically, yes. Hot. Not Dragon hot. But Deadly Sin hot. Even if he was a minor deadly sin. Everything aside, how cool was that? How many people could say they went on a mission with a deadly sin…a mission not in hell. So far. She had no doubt she’d get there soon if he kept talking. Just that thought made her wonder what it would be like around Pride, and she silently begged Hecate not to let that happen. She would probably sacrifice herself if that happened.
“About those dogs,” she brought the topic back to the subject at hand.
“Right.” He nodded towards the street and they set off out the side road onto the crowed Shinjuku-doori sidewalk. Buildings all around, thousands of people as far as the eyes could see moving in every direction, and smells of all sorts attacked her senses. When a pack of toilet paper with an advertisement was thrust under her nose, Suri cut an eye to Rai. “Where are we going exactly? And will there be less people?” Her eyes followed a group of school aged children with too short skirts before flitting to the B-boys and Host Boys crowding the entrance of a street with the sign “Kabukicho” hanging in the archway.
“It’s like Tokyo’s Gansta Host Club,” she commented to herself.
“If you think they’re something, you should see when I’m out here. Never practice, but best b-boy you’ll ever see.”
“Highly doubt it but,” she whispered to herself, “I’ll agree,” she spoke louder before finishing in a whisper, “just so you’ll shut up.”
“To answer your question, we’re going around.”
She pinched the bridge of her nose. “Do you even know where or what you’re looking for.”
The look he pinned her with spoke volumes and she heard loud and clear, “of course I do. I’m Amazing.” Refusing to engage him in any sort of conversation that would spark interest in himself, Suri kept her mouth shut and took in her surroundings. Hotels. Arcades. Host Clubs. Bowling Alley. Restaurants. It was such a seedy place she shuddered at imaging what it would look like at night. Definitely a place Jime would demand they visit before they left.
Moment after entering Kabukicho, they exited. Rai walked. He just walked. He didn’t say where he was going and when Suri decided to break her silence and ask where he was going he said, “to the hentai dogs like mother said.”
“But where is that?”
He didn’t respond and Suri wondered if he even knew. “Hey, what exactly is a Kage Inu Yokai, and don’t answer it’s a demon dog god because I know what it translates to.”
“Okay. I won’t say that. I’ll just say they’re distant cousins.”
“How distant?”
“Demon. However, unlike those stupid vampire halfbreed mutts, I am totally awesome and not at all creepy like them.” He lead her down the Shinjuku station subway entrance. The walked underground, which was far more packed than upground if that was at all possible. When a train started to arrive, Rai took Suri by the arm and run full speed to the train. Doors open, he practically threw her inside. She smacked into the back of one rider and was crushed by another. Left and right people stepped onto her with no word of excuse, no offer of help, and just when she was about to curse the entire train there was suddenly breathing space around her. Suri grabbed the rail to prevent herself from falling.
“It’s because you’re a foreigner,” Rai said to her in Japanese in a very loud voice.
“What is?” she replied in Japanese, her annoyance with the entire day increasing. She wondered if Jime would sustain any injuries that took time to heal or if she’d be new again by time her nap ended.
“That you have space around you. They’re curious, which is why they keep cutting their eyes at you.” At his comment, Suri watched a few faces go red and eyes dart around every where but where she stood. “And they’ve been watching too much television. Americans are bad, you know.”
“We are.”
“They all carry guns.”
“We do. I have one in my purse. Want to see it?”
“You don’t have a purse.”
“Or do I,” she countered.
“And foreigners are loud.”
“It’s called personality. Something you guys could use over here.”
“Yet your country gets all it’s electronics, cars, and various other daily important items from us.”
“And in return you steal our sense of fashion, or food, or our music, can rap and entire Lil Wayne song or sing all the lyrics to Rihanna, and then you can’t even put together two words and say excuse me when you step on my foot. Yet I’m the rude one?”
Rai grinned wickedly. “I like you,” he said in English.
Suri grunted. “The last guy who said that to me, I fed his soul to Hecate.”
The grin spread.
When the train stopped at Ginza station 8 stops later, the exited and head out the station. He didn’t say anything. Just walked randomly. The sun would set in about two hours and if he planned to walk randomly with no sense of going anywhere the entire time, Suri was going home and leaving this mission to Jime for another day. She no longer thought going on a quest with a minor deadly sin was cool. It was exhausting her nerves. Fighting the dark back wasn’t so easy when exhausted.
Finally, what felt like an hour later but was really 20 minutes, they stopped at some shrine with a thousand and one Maneki Cats all over the place.
“Why did you bring me to Akusaka Shrine?”
“It’s impossible to find a Kage Inu Yokai,” he replied.
If her life was an anime, she would have totally done the side-tilt-fall thing, or maybe the big head scream explosion. Instead, she started to curs—
“Unless you know someone who knows how to find them.” He gestured towards the shop.
Suri halted her pause to see what he was getting at.
Together, the walked towards the cat shrine and stopped at the stairs. Rai crossed his arms and looked down at the brown with black and white spots cat licking itself at the foot of the stairs. A look of surprise crossed Rai’s face before that expected grin formed. “Hello Kitty.”
“Lunpe,” Suri finished her curse just for GP. Also because the joke was lame and she was familiar with the cat on the stairs. She’d never met it before but it’s description was legendary amongst the lore. Naila was the grim reaper in feline form. To encounter her signaled death. Either your own or another’s.
Naila paused her lick to look at the sprawled deadly sin at her feet. “Nice to see you where you really belong son of Sloth.”
Rai bared his demon fangs at the cat then at Suri. “I should kill you for that. You’re lucky I landed with such grace.” Vainglory.
“I should kill you for bringing me to the grim reaper. For what?”
Rai pushed off the ground in a move so smooth he floated to a standing position. He brushed the dirt from his jeans before nudging his foot into the cats side.
Naila unsheathed her claws and stuck them into his leg raking one claw down. “The day I carry your soul into the eternal will be the day I can retire in peace. Make it quick for me.”
Rai shook the cat from his leg violently.
Suri wondered if he wished for death for kicking the grim reaper, but she figured he thought himself too much for the cat, too amazing to die. Vainglory. Pity, Sakura Sloth has such an annoying and hot son.
Gaining his composure, Rai continued to talk as if nothing just happened. “This little kitty escorts the souls of those killed by my lesser kin. If anyone can find the pervert dogs, she can.”
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