Friday, June 28, 2013

Chibi Chara 3

Chibi Suri, who needs a paint job to spice her up.
And a more advance Jime. I'm not that great with the advance technique. I down right suck. I'm going to have to sand the crap out of this to smooth it after I hardened it tomorrow. I don't know how to keep my finger prints from showing. I googled some techniques but they didn't help. 


  1. Love this but... why isn't jime vamp chibi too? LOL, she's so sexy though ♥
    Did you sand it? how did they turn out?

  2. Jime Vamp will get a mini version as well. I just wanted to try a more advanced technique and decided to use Jime since she was the next character I was going to work on. While hardening in the oven her whip and Leg broke, and this morning when I picked her up her other leg, wing and arm broke, so I trashed her. I will try her again when I buy a more firm clay because the other one was very touch sensitive. My fingerprints were scattered throughout the entire piece. Did do a chibi torn who also broke while in the oven his sword was too heavy

  3. Aw, that's too bad, but now you have more experience doing these figures so future ones will come out better, ne?

  4. That's the goal. I just hate that my fingerprints show up. It's super hard to smooth the figure out without adding more prints or distorting it. Even when I wore latex gloves my prints show. And maybe I'd left Jime and Toren in the oven too long. Don't think I did. Left toren in there the same length of time as the others. But his tail, horn, and arm with the sword broke. I do want a firmer clay, one that doesn't pick up the fingerprints so easily and can hold some weight too it. Wish I took a picture of Tor Tor before he broke.
