Monday, June 24, 2013

Chibi Chara!

I swear that Chibi Maker flash game is too cute. But there were two options I had to photoshop, mainly, Joslyn's crazy two-coloured hair, and Sage's dreads, which he had before he went bald.

Aren't they kawaii?


  1. Ooohhh, I just wanna love them with all my heart! Why are they so cute!!
    What's up with Joslyn's eyes? I'm not sure if she's super happy or on drugs.

    Jack! I can see him as an anime character with that big ass sword. Like he belongs in Fairy Tail.

    I can't...with Sage. ROFLMAOOOOOOOOOOOO

    Pale ass Jime. And her one little fang. She has bat wings.

    Jamie's so cutteee.

    And awkward River. Why does he look stressed? LOL

  2. Joslyn is crazy, all her personalities are vying to come on top, thus the eyes XD XD XD.
    I just love Jack so much, seriously, he's so peeved to have to woo Jime but he does it anyway 'cause he luuuuuuvs her ♥
    Sage is soooo cute here, he's angry but adorable. I used a random dreadlocks pic I found and repainted it with his hair colors, I think it came out awesome.
    You know, now that I see it, I think Suri would have been better holding the magic book and Sage with the fire ball -_-U.
    Suri is angry just like her daddy, but she's like: "Oh yeah? you think I'm cute? I'll give you cute! *throws fire ball* How do you like that!" LOL.
    Jime has murderous eyes too.
    James came out super nerdy but also adorable, he has the same hair color as Jamie, we never said this, but are we going to make them redheads? I thought of Jamie at first as blond and James with light brown hair, but I'm cool with both of them ginger.
    Toren is the cutest dragon boy in the whole wide world. River is stressed, he needs to chillax, ne, too funny.
    Angelica's expression is that she's keeping hidden secrets that amuse her and she ain't telling, she's cool and collected.

  3. That's what I originally thought about Sage and Suri. She should have the book, he the fire.
    Jack is my favorite. Toren second.
    Red heads??? Well, it would be better than going with the stereotypical blonde character.
